Chicken with Apples & grapes salad

by - Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Quick and Easy to prepare Chicken with Apples & grapes salad
Hello there, we already feel Christmas here in the Philippines and I know many of us are thinking now of what to prepare this December 25 as I am in our family. I have a very simple salad here and you might want to try this easy and quick recipe to make. Or even if you are in a hurry then this is so perfect for you.

Not just that, if you have fruits left in your dining table like apple and grapes then you are good to go. Grab them and make a salad for your family.

I’m sure your family will love this salad. Watch my video here:

This salad contains only 8 ingredients. So here they are:
  • 2 cups of boneless chicken breast
  • 1/2 cup apple
  • 10 pieces of grapes (seedless)
  • 1/2 cup celery
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • salt
  • pepper

Before making your Chicken with Apples & Grapes Salad do the following:
  1. Prepare a pan to cook chicken breast and boil. When you’re done let it cool and cut them into cubes.
  2. For apples, do not peel the skin of the apple but if you or your family prefer to peel it then do what you desire, but of course for me I do not peel it because I believe there is a vitamin on it. Cut the apple into cubes like chicken.
  3. For grapes, cut it into two pieces.
  4. For celery, chop it finely. Reminder: Celery has a strong taste and you might want to reduce the overpowering the taste of the celery.
  5. and Mayonnaise, I use the original Mayonnaise. There are lots of Mayonnaise in the market and most of them are sweet so make sure you get the original one.
  6. Prepare 1 tablespoon of lemon and if you don’t have measurable spoon you can use the regular spoon.
  7. Lastly, salt and pepper. It depends on how you would want it to be tasty.
This is how I make it:
  • It is very simple and quick so mix all the ingredients then add salt and pepper to taste. After you’ve done making it let this chill in 1 or 2 hours and then ready to serve. You can also add nuts if you like and add another bite/flavor.
See you on my other posts.

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